Monday, June 04, 2012

CREE Flashlight Technology...INCREDIBLE!

Occasionally a customer will educate me on my own business. Such was the case recently when attorney Richard West of West, Green & Associates told me about "CREE" flashlights. (CREE is actually a type of bulb technology, not a flashlight brand) He described them as incredible and wanted to see if we could provide them with his law firms name on them. Well I got the samples in this week and incredible is an understatement. We have long sold many brands of lights including Mag Lites and I am sure will continue to do so, but in the future I will suggest that our flashlight prospects at least consider the CREE option. I do not claim to be an expert on lights but I do know bright when I see it and they are VERY bright. And they all have a distinguished look and feel that make them perfect for corporate gift giving. If you have a need for high end lights ($20 to $90 range) give us a call and we will be happy to send you a sample so you can experience the difference between CREE lighting and any other that you have ever seen. And thanks to Richard for bringing them to our attention. You can see some of our CREE selection here 

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