Thursday, September 08, 2011

Incredible Trade Show Success Story

Although I had absolutely nothing to do with it the below story illustrates the value of a creative and well planned promotion and I wanted to share it with you:
A company exhibiting at a trade show gave visitors to their booth a wristband. On each wristband were three tearaway tabs with matching preprinted numbers. The visitor was asked to tear off one tab and place it in a bowl and to then go and find two other people (friends OR strangers) who would then put the other two tabs in the bowl in exchange for a wristband of their own. Those two people would then repeat the process. And on down the line. At the end of the trade show a drawing would be held for an iPad.
The results of this "viral" marketing were impressive to say the least. At the previous years show the company received 813 registered visitors to their booth. With this promotion that number jumped to 2130. That is a 260% increase and all it cost them was an iPad and a few hundred dollars for the wristbands. Even more remarkable was that at the time of the iPad drawing over 900 people crowded around their booth. Think about that. Have you ever seen 9 people at one booth much less 900 ? 
Another benefit is that they got recognition in several trade magazines, newspapers, and blogs as well as substantial buzz and goodwill. Those participating that day will not easily forget this promotion or company and that creates a lot of marketing value for such a small investment!
Below are samples of the type of wristbands used. None show the optional consecutive numbering, which would be printed on both the tabs and wristbands, but it is an available and affordable option. Pricing including consecutive numbering ranges from $2.71 each for a minimum of 100 to as little as $.72 each for 2500.

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